
Evans Bali Cherry Heißer Online-Verkauf

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Evans Bali Cherry

(Prunus cerasus ‘Evans’)

This cherry tree is self-pollinating and known for exceptionally high fruit yields, and is much beloved by birds. The fruit has bright red skin with yellow flesh, it ripens mid-late July, and thrives in cold climates. The hardy tart cherry is great for jams, pies, and cobblers!

Height and width at maturity: 10’ x 8’

Sun or shade: full sun

Soil conditions: adaptable

Moisture tolerance: well-drained

Flowers: white flowers; blooming early May

Climate resilience (ability to withstand changing temperatures and precipitation patterns associated with climate change): moderate to high

Ash replacement? No, smaller statured tree!

For more information, visit Bachman’s Plant Library.    

Photo credits: Wikipedia, Johnson’s Nursery, Gertens

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